
I'm trying to show a list of articles in my component and I'm getting "Cannot read property 'map' of undefined" error on my "articleList.js" component .what's wrong with my code ? and also When I log articles , It's undefined.

I have below Code in my reducer :

 const initialState = {
  articles: [],
  loading: false,
  error: null

export default (state=initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
    case GET_ARTICLES:
      return {
         articles: action.payload,
         loading: false

code for action :

 export const getArticles =()=> dispatch =>{
.then(res => dispatch(
        type : GET_ARTICLES,
        payload: res.json

code for component :

 componentDidMount() {

render() {
    const { articles } = this.props.article;

return (
        {articles.map(({ id, header }) => (
          <div key={id} timeout={500} className="fade">
              <button className="remove-btn" onClick={this.onDeleteClick.bind(this, id)} >Remove</button>

   const mapStateToProps = state => ({
        article: state.article

   export default connect(
        mapStateToProps, { getArticles} )(ArticleList);

Sorry about the large amount of code dumped, its just all related and I believe the error lies somewhere within having an undefined initialState but I cant see what I have missed defining

your reducer saves the state inside articles, your payload reads it from article and your statemapper gets it from article, so which one is correct now? And your render gets it from this.props.article.articles? How is your data looking?Icepickle
I have a combine reducer 'export default combineReducers({ article : articleReducer' }) and article is singular here.Maryam Ghafarinia
You are however never checking if articles would be undefined (as you get it from a service, it will take a while to return, your component might have rendered already), so make sure you don't render while loading (or that you at least verify if articles is not undefined). Also your fetch, shouldn't it be res.json() instead of just res.json or is the handleErrors before that doing something we don't see? :)Icepickle
Thank you I will check those points in a moment.Maryam Ghafarinia

2 Answers


Seems yo confuse yourself with singular / plural variables' names. Your action sets articles as plural in reducers' state:

return {
  articles: action.payload,

So when you mapStateToProps:

 const mapStateToProps = state => ({
      article: state.article

state.article will be undefined as reducer never sets it as singular variable. Also from the snippet you provided I see no reason to use singular term anyway.

So try changing like:

  const { articles } = this.props.articles;

  const mapStateToProps = state => ({
    articles: state.articles

Well , i think you just need to check if your articles is undefined , the state update may be asynchronous, so at the first time the render method was called it was undefined , just do something like

{articles ? {articles.map(({ id, header }) => (
      <div key={id} timeout={500} className="fade">
          <button className="remove-btn" onClick={this.onDeleteClick.bind(this, id)} >Remove</button>
    ))} : null }