
I have a large struct which I need to be an instance of FromJSON so that I can parse my json data into it.

I would like to derive automatically, but a single field needs "special care" in that it is an object in json and I want it to be an array of the values in my struct. How can I do this without writing a huge FromJson implementation repeating all the fields?

Example json:

{"myobject": {"one": 1, "two": 2}, ...many_more_fields...}

Example struct:

data MyStruct = MyStruct {
  myobject :: [Int],
} deriving (Generic)

How do I do this elegantly?


2 Answers


You should create a newtype for your special field:

newtype MySpecialType = MySpecialType [Int]

instance FromJSON MySpecialType where ....

data MyStruct = MyStruct {
      myobject:: MySpecialType,

Now the instance for MyStruct becomes entirely regular and can be handed off to Template Haskell in the normal way.


To avoid carrying the newtype from Paul Johnson's very good answer all across the codebase, you can also generalize your type as follows, making the type of myobject a parameter:

data MyStruct_ intList = MyStruct {
  myobject :: intlist,
} deriving (Functor, Generic)

type MyStruct = MyStruct [Int]

instance FromJSON MyStruct where
  parseJSON = (fmap . fmap) (\(MySpecialType i) -> i)
            . genericParseJSON defaultOptions

genericParseJSON above gets instantiated with MyStruct MySpecialType, and then the field gets unwrapped via fmap (noting MyStruct_ is a Functor)

I also just wrote a blogpost about "type surgery", applied to this kind of problem so that you can keep the original type unmodified.

The generic-data-surgery library can derive a generic type with the same Generic structure as MyStruct_ MySpecialType above, to be used by aeson's genericParseJSON. The surgery modifyRField then applies the function \(MySpecialType i) -> i to the myobject field, finally yielding MyStruct.

import Generic.Data.Surgery (fromOR, toOR', modifyRField)

-- The original type
data MyStruct = MyStruct {
  myobject :: [Int],
} deriving (Generic)

instance FromJSON MyStruct where
  parseJSON = fmap (fromOR . modifyRField @"myobject" (\(MySpecialType i) -> i) . toOR')
            . genericParseJSON defaultOptions