I am trying to create a datasource in Report Builder using an ODBC connection (Progress OpenEdge 10.2B Driver) I've set up the connection and created a User DSN. Tested the connection and got a connection established success message so pretty sure it's set up correctly in ODBC Data Source Administrator.
When I try to add the data source in Report Builder, I'm selecting the option to "Use a connection embedded in my report" and select connection type of ODBC from the Connection Type lookup.
For the connection string, I can select the data source name that I set up, add in my user name and password, but when I test the connection, I get the following error: ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect] [ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver]Insufficient information to connect to the data source. ERROR [HY000] [DataDirect] ODBC Progress OpenEdge Wire Protocol driver] Insufficient information to connect to the data source.
I must be doing something wrong but can't see anything obvious. Any advice would be greatfully received. Thank you