This is my data frame:
I have a data frame of six columns and last columns contains the values . The Column 'code' includes s and d. column 'Sex' includes M and F. And I have two thousand offsprings in the column offspring.
seq parent code Sex offspring Value
1 49032 s M J44010_CCG7YANXX_2_661_X4 -0.38455056
2 48741 s M J44010_CCG7YANXX_2_661_X4 0.10574340
3 48757 s M J44010_CCG7YANXX_2_661_X4 0.39572906
4 48465 d f J44010_CCG7YANXX_2_661_X4 0.43409006
5 48521 d f J44010_CCG7YANXX_2_661_X4 0.40337447
6 48703 d f J44010_CCG7YANXX_2_661_X4 -0.38148980
The column parent includes ids for both males and females. I want to keep the female/dam id ,female/dam code and female/dam sex just beside the male/sire as a column and also keep the sire value and dam value seperately . So, the 'value' will be seprated in two parts .
The data frame will look like the below:
'seq''parent1''sirecode''Sex''parent2''damcode''Sex''offspring''sireValue' 'damvalue'
1 49032 s M 48465 d f J44010 -0.38455056 0.43409006
2 48741 s M 48521 d f J44010 0.10574340 0.40337447
3 48757 s M 48703 d f J44010 0.39572906 -0.38148980
So, each offspring will have 3 or 4 pair of parents.
I tried to use dcast
function on it.