I have been going through the api docs of Microsoft Azure AD Graph API and am unable to find a way to fetch the prorated licenses of a user.
The problem is that the api only returns the skuids when asked for all the licenses attached to a user.
For e.g. https://graph.windows.net/#TENANTID#/users/#USERPRINCIPALNAME#/licenseDetails?api-version=1.6
"value": [
"objectId": "VdVcDxIjW0WEg5x0-5H2jbAFlEuId2hFrdGZYU5hO2k",
"servicePlans": [
"servicePlanId": "88882e1d05-acd1-4ccb-8708-6ee036647",
"servicePlanName": "INTUNE_O365",
"provisioningStatus": "PendingActivation",
"appliesTo": "Company"
"servicePlanId": "1209af7827-d63c-4b61-89c3-182f06f82c",
"servicePlanName": "EXCHANGE_S_STANDARD",
"provisioningStatus": "Success",
"appliesTo": "Company"
"skuId": "67buyt0-7788-4568-add1-99614e6ty89",
We will be able to identify the tenant subscribed skus from the request https://graph.windows.net/#TENANTID#/subscribedSkus?api-version=1.6
However we cannot figure out when a license(sku) was added/removed to a user. Is such functionality possible via the AADGraph REST API?