I'm trying to use nls(), but the error in the question was made.
Following is the sample data set resembles the original one:
rh1 = rnorm(301, 0.75, 0.1)
rh1[rh1 > 1] = 1
ta1 = rnorm(301, 302, 3)
y1 = rnorm(301, 0.2, 0.05)
df_test = data.frame(rh1 = rh1,
rh2 = c(NA, rh1[-c(1)]),
ta1 = ta1,
ta2 = c(NA, ta1[-c(1)]),
y1 = y1,
y2 = c(NA, y1[-c(1)]))
df_test = df_test[-c(1), ] # this function cannot estimate for the first value
where rh is relative humidity of the air, ta is air temperature in K, and y is moisture content of an object. 1 means today's value; 2 means yesterday's value.
I'm trying to estimate y using y2, rh1&2 and ta1&2 by a model below:
nls(y1 ~
coef1 ^ 2 * y2 +
coef1 * (1 - coef1) *
(coef2 + coef3 * log(-8.3 * ta2 * log(rh2) / 18)) +
(1 - coef1) *
(coef2 + coef3 * log(-8.3 * ta1 * log(rh1) / 18)),
data = df_test,
algorithm = "port",
start = list(coef1 = 0.7,
coef2 = 0.15,
coef3 = 0),
upper = c(exp(-0.00005), Inf, Inf),
lower = c(exp(-0.5), Inf, Inf))
Coef1, 2, and 3 are the parameters to be estimated.
The initial values were determined by manual calculation for the first row of the data.
But this script made the error in the title.
Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model
I also tried using minpack.lm::nlsLM() function according to the link below:
nls troubles: Missing value or an infinity produced when evaluating the model
nlsLM(y1 ~
coef1 ^ 2 * y2 +
coef1 * (1 - coef1) *
(coef2 + coef3 * log(-8.3 * ta2 * log(rh2) / 18)) +
(1 - coef1) *
(coef2 + coef3 * log(-8.3 * ta1 * log(rh1) / 18)),
data = df_test,
start = list(coef1 = 0.7,
coef2 = 0.15,
coef3 = 0),
upper = c(exp(-0.00005), Inf, Inf),
lower = c(exp(-0.5), Inf, Inf))
but still got the same error.