as described here and here, there are several possibilities to develop a shiny-application as a package and host it online. A common way is to include a ui.R and a server.R file in the inst-Directory in the package, and as part of the package to write a function which calls runApp() using this files.
However, to launch this packaged app online, the file structure on the server must be modified or the function to launch the app must be called by creating another skript. As far as I know, this is not possible on
Since I want/must use, my question is: How can I best deploy a packaged app on One possibility would be to upload the package to CRAN, to manually copy the ui.R and server.R files into a new app, include the package (to have access to all the other functions included in the package, beside UI and server-logic), and then deploy this app on But: Are there other/better possibilities?