
I logged in as an administrator with Adviser access rights. But the user can't see the menu item for PDF reports under Reporting Menu.enter image description here

Do I need to change any other settings? How can resolve this one?


2 Answers


Just upgrade the module account. Then it will appear. After the upgrade the menu PDF Report has shown in Settings -> Technical -> User interface -> menuitems. Before it wasn't.


If you have ever modified permissions through menu "Users & Companies" - "Groups", you could have accidentally removed someone's inherited permission.

To see the "PDF Reports" menu, the user needs to have "Accounting & Finance / Accountant"; "Advisor" users should be in such group automatically unless later removed.

Please enable the developer mode, go to "Users & Companies" - "Groups", search for "Accountant", then open "Accounting & Finance / Accountant" and make sure the related admin user is inside under the "Users" tab.