
I'm developing app in Xamarin.Android. Which currently supports Kitkat to Android P. Problem is that my app icon is showing fine on all other android version devices except Nougat, Oreo And Android P.

Android P ScreenShot

enter image description here

I'm using following link to generate android assets: https://romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio/icons-launcher.html

App icon sample (transparent, mipmap-xxxhdpi, 192X192) launcher.png

enter image description here

Please help me here. Are there any special guidelines need follow on API 25+ for launcher icon ??. Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


The issue you are having has something to do with your launcher icons resources, without all the code is difficult to tell what is the cause.

If you want to create a launcher icon with support for all Android versions, you can create your app icon using Android Studio build in Image Asset Studio.

Right-click the res folder and select New > Image Asset.

enter image description here

Documentation link.