
I am trying to mock a class to prevent it from having to call 3rd party apis. But when setting up the mock, it doesn't seem to affect the controller action. I did try replacing the $this->postJson() by manually creating instances of the Request- and OEmbedController-classes. The create()-method is getting called, but I am receiving an error from Mockery that it isn't.

What am I doing wrong here?


Mockery\Exception\InvalidCountException : Method create() from Mockery_2_Embed_Embed should be called exactly 1 times but called 0 times.


class OEmbedTest extends TestCase
    public function tearDown()

     * It can return an OEmbed object
     * @test
    public function it_can_return_an_o_embed_object()
        $url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hUIxyE2Ns8';


        $response = $this->postJson(route('oembed', ['url' => $url]));


public function __invoke(Request $request)
    $info = Embed::create($request->url);

    $providers = $info->getProviders();

    $oembed = $providers['oembed'];

    return response()
You do not need to test the embed package; its already tested, right?Kyslik
Yes, so my thoughts were to mock the response form that class.Fredrik
A tip: you can rename the __invoke method to handle it'll look nicer. You are creating an instance of Embed within the (invoke) method; thats untestable without the mock. I personally avoid mocking anything and resort to stubs / fake classes etc. I do recommend letting the Laravel build / create / instantiate the Embed object before it hits the controller. Which means creating a service provider which will take care of the instantiating the Embed object for you and perhaps placing it in the $request itself. Do add more info about route you are accessing.Kyslik
So you are basically saying I should dependency inject the class? Like $this->app->bind(). Sure that is possible, but shouldn't it be possible without that? Because then I need an Interface, etc, which feels cumbersome for this little test.Fredrik
You do not need an interface, just use ->bind(Embed\Embed::class, function($app){ return Embed\Embed::create($app['request']->url); }); Now I do not know whats going on after create is called. But in the controller you can now use $info = resolve(Embed\Embed::class); obviously you need to do checking if request has url parameter etc (do this within the bind closure). Now in the test setUp you need to rebind it, for more information read stackoverflow.com/questions/50262576/…Kyslik

2 Answers


It seems you are mocking the Embed class the wrong way. If you use the Laravel facade method shouldReceive() instead of creating a Mock of the class itself, the framework will place the mock in the service container for you:


instead of


Also be aware that if the parameters your tested code passes to the mock differs from what you learned the mock with with($url), the mock considers itself uncalled. But you'll receive another error for calling a not defined method anyway.


I was able to solve this by using this in my test:

protected function setUp()

    app()->instance(Embed::class, new FakeEmbed);

Then resolving it like this

$embed = resolve(Embed::class);
$embed = $embed->create($url);