Actually this is a new feature that we're going to blog soon, but I'll try to explain it here. I believe you want to extend the existing app, so in this case you simply want to create a new app that extends source-file and then use newly added Spring Cloud Function support to simply compose your transformer into the existing app.
First, you need to make sure you're using the newest Spring Cloud Stream which should be Fishtown.RC1 (2.1.0.RC1).
Also, we have an example (which is going to be used for the blog) that you may find useful. It actually does exactly what you're looking for; Only instead of extending file-source
it extends http-source
which means you simply have to swap a dependency in the pom from spring-cloud-starter-stream-source-http
to spring-cloud-starter-stream-source-file
and then simply define a Bean of type Function where you define your transformation and provide a property during teh startup
where uppercase
is the name of the function you want to compose at the tail of file source.
public class MyAppExtender {
public static void main(String[] args) {, "");
public Function<String, String> uppercase() {
return x -> x.toUpperCase();
Anyway, I know the above explanation may be missing a few parts, but give it a shot and see if you have a follow up questions. I'll make sure I'll post the blog when it's ready.