I dont know what the real issue is here but hopefully someone can help.
I am sending emails from a Wordpress site using the plugin Easy WP SMTP sending through a cpanel email account created. Most of these emails are getting delivered.
I am having one issue sending to our own gsuite email using our own domain. Other gmail addresses(and i would assume gsuite emails) are working fine, it is only our domain that is having issues.
Eg: Woocommerece triggers order emails to both the customer and our gsuite emails. The customers email is delivered, but the mail to our gsuite email is not. Looking at the cPanel > Email > Track Delivery the details of the email are:
Recipient: [email protected]
Delivery User: fightthenewdrug
Delivery Domain: fightthenewdrug.org
Delivered To:
Router: virtual_aliases
Transport: fail
Out Time: Nov 15, 2018, 10:04:10 AM
ID: 1gNL4Y-0003zr-E5
Delivery Host:
Delivery IP:
Size: 11.87 KB
Result: No Such User Here
And looking at the successful emails:
Recipient: [email protected]
Delivery User: -remote-
Delivery Domain:
Delivered To: [email protected]
Router: dkim_lookuphost
Transport: dkim_remote_smtp
Out Time: Nov 15, 2018, 10:03:10 AM
ID: 1gNL3Z-0003zN-TX
Delivery Host: gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com
Delivery IP:
Size: 11.89 KB
The issue is in sending from the site brainheartworld.org to the emails with the domain fightthenewdrug.org. Initially I was using a different SMTP plugin sent form our gmail address @fightthenewdrug.org but we were having quota/limit issues using gsuite gmail.
And just to clarify, I am spelling emails correctly. And it appears to be all emails @fightthenewdrug.org only.