
I setup my AMP stack separately. Installed composer using the windows installer and set the php.exe for composer as "c:/php/php.exe" which is where the php.exe is. Doing composer create-project silverstripe/installer ./silverApp returns this [Composer\Downloader\TransportException] Content-Length mismatch, received 515115 bytes out of the expected 1069991

How do I fix this..?


1 Answers


This is a problem with one of the Packagist mirrors. It should be resolved in the meantime, but if you still encounter this issue https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/7782#issuecomment-438585301 contains some background information and provides this command to switch the mirror to use:

composer config repositories.packagist.org composer https://repo-eu-uk-1.packagist.org

You can later unset the mirror with this command:

composer config repositories.packagist.org --unset