
odoo 10 report...question ... why get_qty can't send data to docargs? i want lines data...qty sum...by product_id is same... why xml t-foreach="data" can get any data for me

class ReportStockInventorySummary(models.AbstractModel):
            _name = 'report.stock.inventory.summary'

            def get_qty(self, docids):
                docs = self.env["stock.inventory"].browse(docids)
                lines = self.env["stock.inventory.line"].search([('inventory_id', '=', docs.id)])
                data = list()
                show_data = list()
                for x in lines:
                        "line_location_id": x.location_id,
                        "line_product_id": x.product_id,
                        "line_product_qty": x.product_qty,

                for i, g in groupby(sorted(data), key=lambda x: x['line_product_id']):
                    show_data.append([i, sum(v['line_product_qty'] for v in g)])

            def render_html(self, docids, data):
                report = self.env['report']
                self.model = self.env.context.get('active_model')
                docs = self.env["stock.inventory"].browse(docids)

                docargs = {
                    'doc_ids': docids,
                    'doc_model': self.model,
                    'docs': docs,
                    'data': self.get_qty //* i want sum product_qty by product_id *//
                return report.render("stock_inventory_report.report_stock_inventory_template", docargs)

            <?xml version="1.0"?>
                <template id="report_stock_inventory_template">
                    <t t-call="report.html_container">
                        <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o">
                            <div class="page">
                                <h2>Report title</h2>
                                <p>This object's name is
                                    <span t-field="o.name"/>
                                <table class="table table-condensed">
                                                <th class="text-right"><strong>Quantity</strong></th>
    <!---- why t-foreach="data" cant show any data for me -->
                                        <tr t-foreach="data" t-as="line">
                                            <td><span t-esc="line['line_location_id']" /></td>
                                            <td><span t-esc="line['line_product_id']" /></td>
                                            <td><span t-esc="line['line_product_qty']" /></td>


I want from stock.inventory.lines in qweb display data and field (location_id, product_id, product_qty) what do I need to change in above py and how do I create view? Any similar examples for a beginner?


1 Answers


You're binding the method get_qty to data, but you should call it instead.

'data': self.get_qty(doc_ids)

Even better is not to use data key, because it already is used by another process. Just make your own key and use it in your report template instead of data:

'get_qty': self.get_qty(doc_ids)

And your method is not returning anything resp. None. I think show_data is your return result so just return it.

def get_qty(self, docids):
    show_data = []
    # ...
    return show_data