I'm a little confused about the difference of access feature importance after running random forest with randomForest package in r. Using model$importance and importance(model) give different values. Does someone know why?
Below is the example code. MeanDecreaseAccuracy
have different values when I use rf$importance
and importance(rf)
rf = randomForest(Species~., data=iris, importance=T)
setosa versicolor virginica
Sepal.Length 0.028069924 0.02290131 0.02999196
Sepal.Width 0.007430743 0.00234842 0.00802824
Petal.Length 0.340913786 0.31065484 0.30779183
Petal.Width 0.326072508 0.31167317 0.27879456
MeanDecreaseAccuracy MeanDecreaseGini
Sepal.Length 0.026581478 9.399968
Sepal.Width 0.005823167 2.256985
Petal.Length 0.317224058 43.508494
Petal.Width 0.302483961 44.047933
setosa versicolor virginica
Sepal.Length 5.848489 7.437477 6.817425
Sepal.Width 4.584855 1.294841 4.535271
Petal.Length 22.222062 33.130557 28.586522
Petal.Width 21.634934 32.550969 30.980522
MeanDecreaseAccuracy MeanDecreaseGini
Sepal.Length 9.820337 9.399968
Sepal.Width 5.429112 2.256985
Petal.Length 33.999215 43.508494
Petal.Width 32.807621 44.047933