I have an app with multiple pages (anguler-router, roter-outlet set up to show angular components...). On one of the pages I have an external lib, that I built myself, and have published to a company hosted NPM repo. My lib works fine when I type the URL in manually, but when I route with routerLink, the parent component (afgm-map) gets an empty array for @ContentChildren (afgm-marker). In the afgm-map component I have put in a console.log(markerRefs), which prints the marker/s when I go to the page, but when I route to the page with a link it prints an empty array.
If I have used link to get to the page and press F5, it work fine. Any ideas?
On my pageTemplate I render the lib like so:
<afgm-map [center]="data.position" (toggleExpand)="expandMap($event)">
<afgm-marker [position]="data.position"></afgm-marker>
The map component ts code with a console log for debugging:
export class MapComponent implements OnInit {
center!: google.maps.LatLng;
zoom = 15;
toggleExpand: EventEmitter<boolean> = new EventEmitter();
mapViewPort: ElementRef;
markersRefs: MarkerComponent[] = [];
expanded: boolean;
map: any;
markers: google.maps.Marker[];
constructor() {}
ngOnInit() {
onInit() {
this.map = new google.maps.Map(this.mapViewPort.nativeElement, {
center: this.center,
zoom: +this.zoom,
disableDefaultUI: true,
scaleControl: true
this.markers = this.markersRefs.map(m => {
return new google.maps.Marker({
position: m.position,
icon: m.icon,
map: this.map
The marker component is just a shell-component with no real logic/template:
export class MarkerComponent implements OnInit {
position!: google.maps.LatLng;
icon = '/assets/img/mapMarker49px.png';
constructor() {}