
I am currently studying weather prediction using R.

I tried rpart but some of the predictions are removed.

My data contains Weather, Humidity, and Temperature can be found on the link,

Weather Data.

I just want to create ranges for the prediction like:

Haze = Temperature is 27 to 29 & Humidity is 72 to 76

for all the data under weather. What is the best thing to do?

I'm trying to know the range to categorize that this temperature and this humidity is a haze.April Capistrano
Can you not just look at the distributions of temp and humidity where your response variable = Haze? I'm not sure why you need to build a model for this.Cleland

1 Answers


expand.grid()` for this issue. expand.grid creates all possible combinations from sequences 27:29 and 72 to 76.

See this example

expand.grid("Temperature" = 27:29, "Humidity" = 72:76)

This can handed over the function predict like this:

predict(Yourmodel, newdata = expand.grid(Temperature = 27:29, "Humidity" = 72:76))