
My dataentry team searches for records online and then copy paste some records. That goes in my DB and then through PHP code I am generating XLS file to download those records.

I am removing HTML tags from the input records. But from time to time I get some invalid chars because of which XLS file don't open and give an error.What is best solution to overcome this issue. Thanks.

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1 Answers


you can remove special characters one by with this short line of code.

$spl_arr = array("<",">"@","$","!","$");  //put all special char here
$your_string="here !s @ s@ample $tring to remove $ecial char";

foreach ($spl_arr as $value) {
    //$your_string.replace($value,"new_char or blank space");
//$your_string is now "here s sample string to remove special character"