I am trying to produce a plot with age in the x-axis, expected serum urate in the y-axis and lines for male/white, female/white, male/black, female/black, using the estimates from the lm() function.
goutdata <- read.table("gout.txt", header = TRUE)
goutdata$sex <- factor(goutdata$sex,levels = c("M", "F"))
goutdata$race <- as.factor(goutdata$race)
fm <- lm(su~sex+race+age, data = goutdata)
ggplot(fm, aes(x= age, y = su))+xlim(30, 70) + geom_jitter(aes(age,su, colour=age)) + facet_grid(sex~race)
I have tried using the facet_wrap() function with ggplot to address the categorical variables, but I am wanting to create just one plot. I was trying a combination of geom_jitter and geom_smooth, but I am not sure how to use geom_smooth() with categorical variables. Any help would be appreciated.