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While phoenix-framework might be called the "Rails for Elixir", the design patterns and the architecture considerations are very different. Exposing random functions that "might be used for a bunch of things" isn't really part of the philosophy.
But the good part is, that if your use-case does call for something like this, it's very easy to extend existing functionality using Macros, Behaviours or Protocols. For your simple use-case, you can indeed create a generic method (or a set of methods), but I would lose the tuple
defmodule Account do
def get(clauses) do
Repo.get_by(Account, clauses)
You can call it using:
Account.get(email: "[email protected]")
But I would argue if replacing one one-liner with another, truly added enough value to your codebase to warrant it.
Side Note: I actually created a library to add Rails-style model helpers to Ecto schemas in Elixir apps to ease-in Rails developers to Phoenix, exposing methods similar to what active-record does. Also see the note about complex queries.