I am new to angular 4 and I started working on angular multiselect and using the following npm package
I could able to configure this properly and also getting the selected and deselected items/events.
Now my problem is to show only the placeholder text even though there are selected items or not. I want to ignore the selected items to be shown on the top.
If any item is selected from the item the multi select box is converted like the below
But I would like to keep the placeholder same like below if there are selected items or not.
I have been trying to get out it with responsive behavior. But not able to find the solution. Please help me.
<angular2-multiselect ...> <c-badge> <ng-template let-item="item"> <label style="margin: 0px;">{{item.itemName}}</label> ... </ng-template> </c-badge> </angular2-multiselect>
(cf. npmjs.com/package/…) Maybe you can try with an empty template? – johey