First is to subClass a view based NSTableView set set it up like this
class ItemTableView: NSTableView, NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTextFieldDelegate {
I have a tableView dataSource called transactionArray which holds the items to be displayed within the tableView. I also include the delegate methods
func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView?
within the class so it's self contained.
Here's the function to handle tab navigation
// handle tab and backtab in an editable view based tableView subclass
// will also scroll the edited cell into view when tabbing into view that are outside the viewable area
func control(_ control: NSControl, textView: NSTextView, doCommandBy commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool {
//let whichControl = control //this is the tableView textField where the event
// happened. In this case it will only be the
// NSTableCellView located within this tableView
let whichSelector = commandSelector //this is the event; return, tab etc
//these are the keypresses we are interested in, tab, backtab, return/enter.
let tabSelector = #selector( insertTab(_:) )
//let returnSelector = #selector( insertNewline(_:) ) //use this if you need
//custom return/enter handling
let backtabSelector = #selector( insertBacktab(_:) )
//if the user hits tab, need to determine where they are. If it's in the last
// column, need to see if there is another row and if so, move to next
// row, col 0 and go into edit. If it's a backtab in the first column, need
// to wrap back to the last row, last col and edit
if whichSelector == tabSelector {
let row = self.row(for: textView)
let col = self.column(for: textView)
let lastCol = self.tableColumns.count - 1
if col == lastCol { //we tabbed forward in the last column
let lastRow = self.transactionArray.count - 1
var rowToEdit: Int!
if row < lastRow { //if we are above the last row, go to the next row
rowToEdit = row + 1
} else { //if we are at the last row, last col, tab around to the first row, first col
rowToEdit = 0
self.editColumn(0, row: rowToEdit, with: nil, select: true)
return true //tell the OS we handled the key binding
} else {
self.scrollColumnToVisible(col + 1)
} else if whichSelector == backtabSelector {
let row = self.row(for: textView)
let col = self.column(for: textView)
if col == 0 { //we tabbed backward in the first column
let lastCol = self.tableColumns.count - 1
var rowToEdit: Int!
if row > 0 { //and we are after row zero, back up a row and edit the last col
rowToEdit = row - 1
} else { // we are in row 0, col 0 so wrap forward to the last col, last row
rowToEdit = self.transactionArray.count - 1
self.editColumn(lastCol, row: rowToEdit, with: nil, select: true)
return true
} else {
self.scrollColumnToVisible(col - 1)
return false //let the OS handle the key binding