So I'm trying to program a handheld electronic game, called Lights Out Cube, in Java using Eclipse Oxygen.2, and I decided to include a timer so that the player knows how much time was required by him to finish the game. When the player clicks on a button called "Start/Reset"(I change its text to "Reset" after clicking it once), which is where I activate the timer, the game starts. After every click I check if player has finished the game, and if he does, I stop the timer. If he wishes to play again, I want the timer to restart. Please help me out here:
//here i have a function called checkIfWinning() which does the checking; if there is a winner, the following code is executed to stop the timer
//timer is a publicly declared java.util.Timer
//this is a code snippet for btnStart with "time" recording the time in seconds
timer.schedule(new TimerTask()
public void run()
int hours = (int) time / 3600;
int remainder = (int) time - hours * 3600;
int mins = remainder / 60;
remainder = remainder - mins * 60;
int secs = remainder;
}, 1000,1000);
Is there anyway this can be done? Or will I have to remove the timer entirely?
and then submit a new one. To be able to cancel it, you need to keep a reference to the task somewhere. See also the alternative approach of using aScheduledExecutorService
instead, which is similar to the Timer but more flexible. – Hulk