I know where the segmentation fault happens, but can't see why.
My principal function is like this:
int execute_line(char *line){
char **arguments;
int i = parse_args(arguments,line); //separates line in arguments
printf("Number of tokens: %d \n",i); //prints number of total tokens
printf("%s\n",arguments[0]); //print first token so I know it's not void
int r = check_internal(arguments); //segmentation fault
While the parse_args function fills arguments like:
int parse_args(char **args, char *line){
const char s[]= " \t\n\r";
char *token;
token = strtok(line, s);//separates line with the separators
int i=0;
char null[] = "(null)";
while( token != NULL ) {
if (token[0]=='#'){ //if the like begins with "comment" I don't care
return i;
args[i] = token;// else fills each char * of **args with a token
printf("Parse_args()--> token %d: ",i);
token = strtok(NULL, s); //separates again
args[i]=null; //ends with null
return i;
I can't see why it gives segmentation fault as my prints after parse_args returns the tokens correctly (so **arguments is filled at least) but when I call int r = check_internal(arguments); It gives me segmentation fault, (If I put a print in the first line of my function it does not show, so I suppose that's the breakpoint (print debug ftw)).
Can anyone point me where I'm missing the pointer to a correct part of memory?
Error: Segmentation fault (core dumped)
check_internal: int check_internal(char **args);
If my input is :
hey ho letsgo
the program returns:
Parse_args()--> token 0: hey
Parse_args()--> token 1: ho
Parse_args()--> token 2: letsgo
Number of tokens: 3
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Thank you to anyone that can help me :D
char **arguments; int i = parse_args(arguments,line);
isn't initialized: undefined behaviour. Or is there some code you're not showing? – Jean-François Fabre♦args
. – Matthieu Brucher