I tried to combine implicit arguments with case classes, but I got stuck.
case class C(i: Int)(implicit b: Boolean)
val c1 = C(1)(true)
implicit val b = true
val c2 = C(2)
c1 match {
case C(i)(b) => // doesn´t work
case C(i,b) => // doesn´t work
case C(i) => // works, but wanted: if (b) i else 0
According to the Scala Language Specification it´s due to the compiler generated extractor object for case classes: My implicit Boolean
is not a member of the resulting case class, so it has to be in the second (implicit) argument list (that I can´t find in the companion object´s apply method, unfortunately):
A case class definition of
c[tps](ps1 ). . .(psn)
with type parameterstps
and value parametersps
implicitly generates an extractor object (§8.1.8) which is defined as follows:
object c {
def apply[tps](ps1 ). . .(psn): c[tps] = new c[Ts](xs1 ). . .(xsn)
def unapply[tps](x: c[tps]) =
if (x eq null) scala.None
else scala.Some(x.xs11, . . . , x.xs1k)
How can I define a case class with members that are implicitly supplied at creation time?