I'm working on a Laravel application, and have a function to export a PDF file that is generated based on input that the user has submitted to a form.
I am trying to make the content of that PDF conditional, based on the value of one of the PHP variables, so have added the @if
, @else
and @endif
conditions to the blade file, but for some reason, now get an error in the console when trying to export the PDF:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting elseif (T_ELSEIF) or else (T_ELSE) or endif (T_ENDIF) (View: /home/.../reminder.blade.php)
The blade.php file is currently written with:
<title>Provisional Reminder</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ url('') }}/css/pdf.css">
@if(( count( $request->transactionItem ) == 1 ) && $request->transactionItem->currentStatusId == '1010')
<body style="-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; font-family: 'Roboto'; font-weight: normal; margin: 0; padding: 0;">
<p>if statement run in reminder.blade.php</p>
<p>else statement run in reminder.blade.php</p>
The else
& endif
are both there, so why am I getting this error? How can I get the content of the blade file to be displayed conditionally, based on the value of the request variable?
The PDF is being generated by the PHP function:
private function generateProvPDF($transactions, $globalData)
$data = ['transactions' => $transactions, 'globalData' => $globalData];
//dd("transactions: ", $transactions);
//$view = \View::make('pdfs.reminder', $data);
//$contents = $view->render();
//echo $contents;
$pdf = \PDF::loadView('pdfs.reminder', $data)
->setOption('encoding', 'utf-8')
->setOption('margin-top', 0)
->setOption('margin-bottom', 0)
->setOption('margin-left', 0)
->setOption('margin-right', 0)
return $pdf->stream();
The code in my PHP controller that calls this function is:
public function getSingleTransactionPDF(Request $request)
$transactionItem = $request->input('transactionItem');
$vTransactionItem = (array)DB::table('transaction.vTransactionPDF')->where('transactionItemId', $transactionItem['transactionItemId'])->first();
if (!empty($vTransactionItem))
$transactionItem = array_merge($transactionItem, $vTransactionItem);
$loggedInUser = auth()->user();
$globalData = $this->retrieveGlobalPDFData();
$transactionsData = $this->retrievePDFPrimaryLineItemData([$transactionItem], $loggedInUser);
dd("transactionsData, globalData: ", $transactionsData, $globalData);
return $this->generateProvTaxPDF($transactionsData, $globalData);
return response()->json([
'error' => true,
'message' => 'Transaction not found.',
], 404);
If I comment out the dd("transactionsData ...", ...)
line here, I get the Parse error
I've mentioned above. However, if I leave this dd()
in, I can see the variables hold the values I'm expecting, and a PDF is downloaded, although it doesn't actually load when I try to open it- it comes up with an error.