As per my understanding of AVL tree, for every node, heights of left and right subtrees should differ by at most 1.
Here is the code, I came up with to balance the height while inserting a new node. The following method will be executed repeatedly starting from the new node propagating upwards till root
private Node balance(Node x) {
if (Math.abs(height(x.left) - height(x.right)) <= 1) {
return x;
// left sub tree is heavier than right sub tree
if (height(x.left) > height(x.right)) {
// right sub tree of left sub tree is heavier than left sub tree of left sub tree
if (height(x.left.left) < height(x.left.right)) {
return rightRotate(x);
// right sub tree is heavier than left sub tree
else {
// left sub tree of right sub tree is heavier than right sub tree of right sub tree
if (height(x.right.left) > height(x.right.right)) {
return leftRotate(x);
When I looked at MIT solutions (Page 5) ,it seems that they are performing left rotate and then right rotate if node is inserted in the left sub tree of left sub tree of unbalanced node:
As per my understanding, if we insert a node in left sub tree of left sub tree of unbalanced node, we should me right rotation only, not left rotation and subsequent right rotation.
What am I missing here? Did I implemented it correctly?