Note to duplicate markers: I DID check out the other question, but it does not answer my specific question below.
So imagine I have a Kafka topic on a single server with only one partition. So it is much similar to a queue.
Now lets assume I want 100 listeners waiting to accept values from the queue. So by design, if all 100 consumers are in a single group, the contents from the log (or queue here) will be distributed among the consumers. So the operation will be over in 1/100th of the time.
The problem is that the Spring Kafka listener is only configured with the topic name.
public class Consumer {
@KafkaListener(topics = "${app.topic}")
public void receive(@Payload String message,
@Headers MessageHeaders headers) {
System.out.println("Received message="+message);
headers.keySet().forEach(key -> System.out.println(key+"->"+headers.get(key)));
I can seem to get Kafka to spawn up a 100 consumers for processing messages from the "queue" (logs). How can it be done?
entity to deal with. And this one must be processed in the proper order. So, if you want queue, don't go to Kafka! – Artem Bilan