(2nd updated version after input - there is progress - thank you) I want to use a Twilio function to send a SMS during a call (to avoid to make a full external application). The goal is to send a confirmation SMS at the end of an automated call (with Twilio autopilot). If the user says the correct sentence ("I want a confirmation by SMS please"), autopilot launches the following tasks.
"actions": [
"redirect": "https://my_domain_here.twil.io/my_url_here"
Then my function has the following code :
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
var client = context.getTwilioClient();
/**to have some view on incoming request */
console.log("context : "+JSON.stringify(context));
console.log("event : "+JSON.stringify(event));
//send the answer SMS
console.log("sending SMS");
body: 'test sms',
from: '+32x_my_nbr_xx',
to: '+32x_my_other_nbr_xx'//is hardcoded - just to test
.then(message => console.log(message.sid))
//now create the Twiml to send back to autopilot the text to be spoken
console.log("SMS sent, returning to autopilot");
var action = {"actions": [{"say": "I understand that you want a confirmation. I will send you a summary by SMS. Goodbye" }]};
callback(null, action);
But when I call and I say "I want a confirmation by SMS", then I hear 'I understand that you want a confirmation. I will send you a summary by SMS. Goodbye". But no SMS is sent. When I look in the logs of autopilot, the correct intent was triggered. The log of the function contains nothing (just regular logs but not the Msgid) Anybody an idea ?
I know it would work but is there really no way to avoid writing and maintaining a complete backend just to send this SMS ? Thx in advance.