
Hi i am facing problem to send whats app message to a particular group using intent . I can send whats app message to a particular chat contact using intent . But i am not able to send to a whats app group . I have also tried using whats app api and passing whats app group id. but it navigates to invite contact link and if contact is already in group it shows you are already developer

describe more. what you have trying so far with code ?Abhay Koradiya
I am trying to place a text to a whats app group which i am a member using intent by passing whats app group id and message. using url chat.whatsapp.com/uniqueId where unique id i have taken from group share optionRaj Kumar

1 Answers


To send a message to the particular group you need group shared the link see, use that link and try below code

Uri uri = Uri.parse("https://chat.whatsapp.com/uniqueId");
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, ""));