
I have the below DAX formula that is concatenating a month number to a year.
If the month number is less than 10, i want to add a leading zero to it but i'm new to DAX and i can't seem to figure out how to do it.

Expiry_MonthYear_Sorter = [Expiry_Date].[Year]  & [Expiry_Date].[MonthNo]

As an example, if the year is 2018 and the month number is 2, i want the value to be 201802.

Currently, my formula gives me 20182


2 Answers


You can use the FORMAT function for this.

Expiry_MonthYear_Sorter = FORMAT([Expiry_Date], "YYYYMM")

What you are looking for in DAX is an IF statement.

Assuming this is part of a calculated column in your dataset, then something like below is what you are looking for. Where if your month number is less then 10, then append a 0 between year and month, else just append year and month.

Expiry_MonthYear_Sorter  = IF ([Expiry_Date].[MonthNo] < 10 ),
                               [Expiry_Date].[Year]  & "0" &[Expiry_Date].[MonthNo],
                               [Expiry_Date].[Year]  & [Expiry_Date].[MonthNo]