I was wondering if it is possible to animate an hidden property in angular? Or do I have to animate opacity or height etc?
I want to create an accordion animation on my component.
This is the template part I want to animate:
<ion-row [hidden]="!open">
<ng-content select="[body]"></ng-content>
Is it performance wise logical to use an *ngIf
on an accordion toggle item? Like this:
<ion-row *ngIf="open" [@panelInOut]>
<ng-content select="[body]"></ng-content>
And in the component I do this:
animations: [
trigger('panelInOut', [
transition('void => *', [
style({ transform: 'translateY(-100%)' }),
transition('* => void', [
animate(800, style({ transform: 'translateY(-100%)' }))
But this is not animated correctly is it better to use max-height to animate?
Could someone help me out on this accordion animation?