
How does one continue the page numbering from a specific section in MS Word?

Consider the following scenario:

  • MS Word document with 3 sections A, B, and C.

  • Page numbering starts at 1 on the first page of section A (ends at, let's say, 3, on page 3).

  • No page numbering (or alternate page numbering) in section B.

  • In section C, page numbering continues from that of section A (first page-number of section C is <last_page_A> + 1 = 4).

Now let the number pages in section A, B, and C vary and the page numbering to automatically adapt. The document has a Table of Contents whi

Is this possible using the MS Word GUI through some trickery I am not aware of? If not, how could one do this with MS Office Field Codes or VBA?

To my knowledge, the MS Word GUI only lets you continue page numbering from the previous section, or alternatively, lets you manually handle the page numberings:

The figure above shows the "Format Page Numbers" child window in MS Word (quickly accessible by right-clicking a <code>PAGE</code> Field).

If Section A is Pages 1 to 3 you want section C to start with Page 4 irrespective of how many pages there are in Section B. Is that correct.freeflow
Yes, @Freeflow, that is correct. I will edit the question to make that explicit.Lucubrator
Will you ever need the page numbers to appear in a TOC or other cross reference.freeflow
I am going to say yes, but feel free to share a cross reference-free-Word-doc solution if you have one.Lucubrator
Its likely that you would need to implement a VBA solution. The only non VBA solution I can come up with produces a mismatch between the number on the page and that in the toc or cross reference. The non VBA partial solution involves putting a bookmark on the last page of a section and then using a formula to add the page reference of the bookmark to the current page number which is restarted at 1. You end up with a formula field {={pageref EnOfSectionBookmark} + {Page}}freeflow

1 Answers


To insert a page number cross-reference, follow these steps:

  1. Insert a bookmark on the page containing the information you want to cross-reference.
  2. Position the insertion point where you want the cross-reference to occur.
  3. Press Ctrl+F9 to insert field brackets. Make sure the insertion point stays between the brackets.
  4. Type pageref followed by the bookmark name used in step 1.
  5. Press F9 to update the field information.

Please refer to the following link:

Inserting Page Number Cross-References

Controlling the Format of Cross-References