I am integrating Woo-commerce API's in my Laravel 5.6 site using Woo-commerce official rest sdk. I made a link using authentication endpoint URL.Which is mention at here .
When user clicks the link it takes the user to Woo-commerce authentication page, where user login and Approve the request.
After approving the request it should take me to return url which i mention in the link. Instead it shows me the following error.
Error: An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the consumer data.
Here is my code. `$store_url = 'YourStoreUrl';
$endpoint = '/wc-auth/v1/authorize';
$params = [
'app_name' => 'YourApplicationName',
'scope' => 'read_write',
'user_id' => 'yourUserId',
'return_url' => 'YourStoreUrl/callbackurl',
'callback_url' => 'YourStoreUrl/returncallback'
$query_string = http_build_query( $params );
$url = $store_url . $endpoint . '?' . $query_string;`