I have two tables in Hive -
emp(empid int,empname string,deptid string)
dept(deptid string, deptname string)
Sample Data
Emp table in Hive has the schema empid int,empname string,deptid string
1,Monami Sen,D01
2,Tarun Sen,D02
3,Shovik Sen,D03
4, Rita Roy,D02
Dept table in Hive has the schema deptid string,deptname string
I need to create another hive table which should have the following schema -
dept id string, dept name string, emp_details array<struct<emp_id:string,emp_name string>>
The array of struct attribute should contain all employee details - empid and empname belonging to a particular department and final dataframe should be converted to JSON format.
Desired output :
{"deptid":"D01","deptname":"IT","empdetails":[{"empid":1,"empname":"Monami Sen"}]}
{"deptid":"D02","deptname":"Accounts","empdetails":[{"empid":2,"empname":"Rita Roy"},
{"empid":5,"empname":"Rijul Shah"}]}
{"deptid":"D03","deptname":"Finance","empdetails":[{"empid":3,"empname":"Shovik Sen"},{"empid":4,"empname":"Arghya Ghosh"}]}
I need to use Spark version 1.6 and Scala 2.10 for coding. The datasets are huge hence would require efficient code handling for best performance.
Can you please help me with any suggestions for the code?