How can I solve a system of linear equations with some Boundary conditions, using Numpy?
Where x is a column vector with, let's say x1=0.
For different iterations BCs are going to be different, so different variables of vector x going to be zero.
[A] and [B] are known.
Here is an example from my FEM course:
{F} Is the column vector of known values
[k] is the stiffness matrix with the known values
{U} is the displacement column vector where U1 and U3 are known to be zero, but U2 and U4 need to be found.
This would result in these values:
Naturally this would reduce to the 2X2 matrix equation, but I because for different elements the BC would be different, I'm looking for some numpy matrix equation solver where I can let it know that some of the unknowns must be this certain value and nothing else.
Is there something similar to np.linalg.solve() with conditions to it?
Thank you.