
When I running my Azure Devops build pipeline for a UWP app locally via a private Windows Agent, it complains that it cannot access C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\App Certification Kit\SupportedAPIs-x86.xml

The agent service is using the default suggested user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.

So far I tried, without success:

  1. to run the service with my (admin) credential (I'm using an hotmail account to log on my machine) but it doesn't want to (error 1355)
  2. give `Everyone` `Read & Execute` rights on the folder the service is denied access to

1 Answers


I dont know if you're still having this issue but this is what worked for me. Anyone else that finds this can try this out.

I would recommend trying this out as a sanity check, but my issue was permissions.

  • If you run services.msc and find Azure Pipelines Agent then click on the service to highlight it.

  • Right click, go to properties

  • Navigate to the Log On tab at the top

  • Change the username and password to a known domain admin account

  • Click ok and restart the service.

Now run your pipeline again and see if it can connect and publish your files. If it does then its a user/permissions issue.