
Server error 5006: Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL. HTTP error 500: The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server. Sagepay Register

After register the basket

Error sagepay

Please add everything relevant as text in your question. Not as links to images.Jonnix
Is your notification url available to sagepay? Is it returning a valid response and status code?Jonnix
I am using low-profile mode.After 3D secure page it shows the error message.$this->sagepayConfig is like the following [_formSuccessUrl:SagepaySettings:private] =>thenetworkg.titechdev.com/sagepay/server/success [_formFailureUrl:SagepaySettings:private] => thenetworkg.titechdev.com/sagepay/server/failureMathews
Array ( [VPSProtocol] => 3.00 [Status] => OK [StatusDetail] => 2014 : The Transaction was Registered Successfully. [VPSTxId] => {058FD744-9A67-DD33-7A57-A0A7B09AE556} [SecurityKey] => S1LID2EZ0W [NextURL] => test.sagepay.com/gateway/service/cardselection?vpstxid={058FD744-9A67-DD33-7A57-A0A7B09AE556} )Mathews

1 Answers


please check your header of a website and also check URL. without your code, I can't give you a proper solution.