I'm new to spark and trying to use spark to read json file like this. Using spark 2.3 and scala 2.11 on ubuntu18.04, java1.8:
cat my.json:
{ "Name":"A", "No_Of_Emp":1, "No_Of_Supervisors":2}
{ "Name":"B", "No_Of_Emp":2, "No_Of_Supervisors":3}
{ "Name":"C", "No_Of_Emp":13,"No_Of_Supervisors":6}
And my scala code is:
val dir = System.getProperty("user.dir")
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("spark sql")
.set("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", dir)
val spark = SparkSession.builder().config(conf).getOrCreate()
val df = spark.read.json("my.json")
OK, everything is fine. But if I change the json file to be multiline, standard json format:
"Name": "A",
"No_Of_Emp": 1,
"No_Of_Supervisors": 2
"Name": "B",
"No_Of_Emp": 2,
"No_Of_Supervisors": 3
"Name": "C",
"No_Of_Emp": 13,
"No_Of_Supervisors": 6
Then the program will report error:
| _corrupt_record|
| [|
| {|
| "Name": "A",|
| "No_Of_Emp"...|
| "No_Of_Supe...|
| },|
| {|
| "Name": "B",|
| "No_Of_Emp"...|
| "No_Of_Supe...|
| },|
| {|
| "Name": "C",|
| "No_Of_Emp"...|
| "No_Of_Supe...|
| }|
| ]|
|-- _corrupt_record: string (nullable = true)
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: cannot resolve '`Name`' given input columns: [_corrupt_record];;
'Project ['Name]
+- Relation[_corrupt_record#0] json
I wish to know why this happens? A none standard json file without double [] will work(one object one line), but a more standardized formatted json will be a "corrupt record"?