
I have a .Net (VS 2015) application that I manually build using VSTS. The build was successfully completed but no artifacts were generated. The agents/tasks used in this manual build are the NuGet tool installer, NuGet restore, Visual Studio build, publish build artifact.

Visual Studio Build parameters:

VS Build

Publish Build Artifact parameters:

Publish Artifact

Variables added:


End Result:

No Drop Generated

A similar structure should be produced as per my expectation:

Expected Artifact Structure

It would help if you could show us or tell something about the build definition. What are supposed to be the artifacts? How are you generating them, and how are you publishing them?Rui Jarimba
@RuiJarimba Question Updated.Salman
which build agent are you using? Hosted? Hosted VS2017?Rui Jarimba
Also, have you run your build in debug mode? Set the system.debug variable to true and queue a new build. Check for warnings in the logs, specially in the Build solution task.Rui Jarimba
Also try /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\\package.zip" instead of /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\\"Rui Jarimba

1 Answers


Before the "Publish artifacts" task, you need to copy to the folder a in the agent the files you want they will be in the artifacts.

For example:

enter image description here

Now in your artifacts folder (a on the agent) will be your release output and in the Publish task it will be published as artifacts.