
We are using ibm-watson java sdk and trying to build the conversation using the sdk i.e from creating workspace to building a dialog node. But we are unable to create slot in the dialog node. Can anyone guide us that how we can create slots using ibm-watson java jdk.


1 Answers


Can't comment on ibm-watson Java SDK, but can share some pieces about the frame/slot model in WA in general.

The hierarchy of dialog nodes in frame/slot model is a bit more complex. In order to create a slot you need to create a particular structure of dialog nodes with special types - e.g. the parent node with type "type": "frame", then the slot node with "type": "slot" and with child nodes of type "type": "event_handler". The best way how to get familiar with the model is to create a slot using the WA UI, export this as a JSON and then inspect the JSON structure of dialog nodes to see what goes where.

You might also want to checkWatson Assistant Documentation (22.10.2018) that has more insights into particular node types and info how to modify nodes using the API calls.