I'm relatively new to scikit learn/machine learning. I have to create a decision tree using the Titanic dataset, and it needs to use KFold cross validation with 5 folds. Here's what I have so far:
cv = KFold(n_splits=5)
tree_model = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=3)
fold_accuracy = []
for train_index, valid_index in cv.split(X_train):
train_x,test_x = X_train.iloc[train_index],X_train.iloc[valid_index]
train_y,test_y= y_train.iloc[train_index], y_train.iloc[valid_index]
model = tree_model.fit(train_x,train_y)
valid_acc = model.score(test_x,test_y)
print("Accuracy per fold: ", fold_accuracy, "\n")
print("Average accuracy: ", sum(fold_accuracy)/len(fold_accuracy))
dot_data = StringIO()
my question is, does my fitted model only exist within the loop? I need to accurately predict from a test training set provided where "Survived" is unlabeled (in the confusion matrix, X_Test is the test data set X values and y_test is the actual survival rate), and I'm unsure that by training using this method, that my main classifier (tree_model) is being trained using each set in the fold.