I'm once again stuck with a pretty simple Prolog task. I want to define a predicate kv_search/3
that takes a key/value list such as [[a,1],[b,2],[c,3],[d,4],[e,8],[a,9],[b,10]]
as a first argument, a key as second and outputs a list of all values with that key in the third argument.
My current approach looks like this:
kv_find([[K,V|_]|Rest], K, Result) :-
kv_find(Rest, K, [V|Result]).
kv_find([[Ks,_|_]|Rest], K, Result) :-
Ks \= K ,
kv_find(Rest, K, Result).
kv_find([], _, _).
The problem with this solution is however that it just outputs true or false instead of printing the missing parameter.
E.g. the following query result in true
instead of my expected result of B=[1, 9]
kv_find([[a,1],[b,2],[c,3],[d,4],[e,8],[a,9],[b,10]], a, B).
If the key is not present in the list I want to output an empty list.
bind toX
(if anything)? – Scott HunterX=[]
. – KevKosDev