
I'm using Apache Spark and have a dataframe that looks like this:

scala> df.printSchema
 |-- id: string (nullable = true)
 |-- epoch: long (nullable = true)

scala> df.show(10)
|                 id |        epoch|
only showing top 10 rows

I want to group by the id field to get all the epoch timestamps together for an id. I then want to sort the epochs by ascending timestamp and then take the first and last epochs.

I used the following query, but the first and last epoch values appear to be taken in the order that they appear in the original dataframe. I want the first and last to be taken from a sorted ascending order.

scala> val df2 = df2.groupBy("id").
                 agg(first("epoch").as("first"), last("epoch").as("last"))

scala> df2.show()
|                  id|        first|         last|

How do I retrieve the first and last from the epoch list sorted by ascending epoch?

Use min and max?Psidom
I will later use string values, not just the numeric epoch. Will min and max also work for strings?stackoverflowuser2010
I suppose so. Otherwise you need window functions.Psidom
Solution with window stackoverflow.com/a/45210121/1465609wind

2 Answers


first and last functions are meaningless when applied outside Window context. The value which is taken is purely arbitrary.

Instead you should

  • Use min / max functions if the logic conforms to basic ordering rules (alphanumeric for strings, arrays, and structs, numeric for numbers).

  • Strongly typed dataset with map -> groupByKey -> reduceGroups or groupByKey -> mapGroups otherwise.


You can just use min and max and cast the resulting columns to string. Here is one way to do it

   import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val df = Seq(("6825a28d-abe5-4b9",1533926790847.0),

|               id|               epoch|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-08-10 18:46:...|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-08-10 18:46:...|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-08-02 03:24:...|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-08-10 18:46:...|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-07-30 19:10:...|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-07-25 15:15:...|
|1eb5f3a4-a68c-4af| 2018-08-27 15:19:58|
|1eb5f3a4-a68c-4af| 2018-08-24 16:58:42|
|1eb5f3a4-a68c-4af| 2018-08-21 18:30:40|
|1eb5f3a4-a68c-4af| 2018-08-09 18:48:57|

    val df1 = df.groupBy("id").agg(min($"epoch").cast("string").as("first"), max($"epoch").cast("string"). as("last"))

|               id|               first|                last|
|6825a28d-abe5-4b9|2018-07-25 15:15:...|2018-08-10 18:46:...|
|1eb5f3a4-a68c-4af| 2018-08-09 18:48:57| 2018-08-27 15:19:58|

    df1: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: string, first: string ... 1 more field]