
I have Sheet1 and it has some calculation:

  • Many other sheets are referencing this sheet's two cells
  • I have another sheet Sheet2 with a different type of calculation deriving same sort of results.
  • Somehow I want to change the name / codename of Sheet2 so same cells are being referenced by other worksheets.

e.g. Sheet1's cell U30 has a result of a calculation and Sheet2's cell U30 also has a result of a calculation

Either Sheet1 or Sheet2 can be used for calculations rest of the sheets depend on these sheets.

Other sheets are referencing it by =Sheet1!U30 when Sheet1 is used as Calculation sheet

I want a way so that other sheets can reference =Sheet2!U30 automatically when Sheet2 is used as Calculation sheet.

How can I achieve that?

Currently at the start of the workbook, user is presented with a form asking him which sheet you want to use as the calculation sheet. If he chooses Sheet1, Sheet2 is set to hidden and vice versa.

You could use named ranges in the calculations in the other sheets, and use VBA to switch the "refers to range" for the ranges between the two sheets.Tim Williams

1 Answers


You could use named ranges in the calculations in the other sheets, and use VBA to switch the "refers to range" for the ranges between the two sheets. – Tim Williams Oct 19 at 6:39