I have a data.frame
that I want to print in an RMarkdown document (HTML output) in a formatted way. There are 3 features I need for it which I haven't been able to get at the same time:
- It needs to have a title or caption at the top to explain what it is.
- Since it may be very long, I want it to be scrollable or paged
- The caption and column headers should always be visible at the top, even when the table is scrolled or paged
I can get the caption with scrolling easily with kableExtra
cars %>%
kable(caption = 'Cars') %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c('striped', 'condensed')) %>%
scroll_box(width = "500px", height = "200px")
But when I scroll down, the caption and column headers scroll too, and it's hard to see what each column is.
By adding df_print: paged
to the YAML header, I can get a really nice looking paged output (see R Markdown: The Definitive Guide) from the default printing behavior:
title: "Motor Trend Car Road Tests"
df_print: paged
But, so far as I know, there is no way to put a title or caption on this. I could just add a title using markdown, but then the code to generate the table would be stuck between the title and the table. Any other options that I'm missing?