
I have a daily export that backs up my Datastore to a Cloud Storage bucket on Google Cloud Platform. I followed the directions as described here: https://cloud.google.com/datastore/docs/schedule-export

I do not specify by kind or namespace. As such, the storage bucket contains a folder structure looking like


In which are the output-### files.

I want to import from this backup, but I only want one Kind of entity. According to this reference: https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/datastore/import

I should be able to do that with this command: $ gcloud datastore import --kinds='Customer','Order'

However, when I run the following with the variables filled in:

$ gcloud datastore import --kinds='<kind>' gs://<bucket-name>/YYYYMMDD-######/YYYYMMDD-######.overall_export_metadata
ERROR: (gcloud.datastore.import) INVALID_ARGUMENT: The requested kinds/namespaces are not available

I get the above error. I have tried with multiple Kinds which I am sure are part of the Datastore.

Am I able to import by specific Kind if I exported without heed to Kind?



1 Answers


Hello I'm working at Google Cloud. I've been able to reproduce your case and it seems that it is an issue in Google Cloud Datastore. I created an entry for you in issuetracker, you can stay tuned here. Thank you for reporting.