
I want to filter a list of records by a certain date, which the user selects from a Combo Box.

Here is the code that I have to apply a filter when the value of the combo box changes.

Private Sub cboSelectByDate_Change()
    DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[Delivery Date] = Me.cboSelectByDate"
`End Sub`

However when the combo box is changed, a dialog box titled "Enter Parameter Value" appears asking for a value for Me.cboSelectByDate

How can I make sure Access reads the currently selected value of the combo box instead of opening this dialog?


1 Answers


I was using the wrong syntax for referencing the comboBox.

Private Sub cboSelectByDate_Change()
    DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "[Delivery Date] = Forms!frmDeliveries!cboSelectByDate"
End Sub

Has the desired result