I feel as though I'm in the same ballpark as Basic Lisp Macro error but when I imagine how the code should look when expanded I don't see a problem and macroexpand isn't helping because it just doesn't want to output anything I can print; macroexpand just runs the code for me.
(setf my-array (make-array 4 :initial-element 3))
(print my-array)
(setf (aref my-array 2) 5)
(print my-array)
(defmacro set3To5 (arrnum)
(print (arrayp arrnum))
(print arrnum)
(setf (aref arrnum 3) 5)
(set3To5 my-array)
Running this gives me the output
argument MY-ARRAY is not an array
but if 'arrnum' is replaced by 'my-array' then it should be fine?
To quote from the linked question
Now on macro expansion, the macro ADD-TEST is called with the parameter VAR getting the value G, a symbol.
Certainly my-array is a symbol and it is the symbol I wish to manipulate so why is there a problem?