
I am trying to design a slide inside an ion item everything works fine but image inside the slide is not placed in center .

<ion-item style="height:45%; padding-left: 0;">
  <ion-slides centeredSlides="true" zoom="true" class="image-slider" loop="true" slidesPerView="1">
    <ion-slide *ngFor="let img of images">
      <img style="max-width:100%; text-align: center; max-height:100%;" src="{{img}}" class="thumb-img" imageViewer/>

In my ts file I have an array of url

    images =[   'https://pay.google.com/about/static/images/social/knowledge_graph_logo.png',

when I do like this I am getting a blank space on my left side i want to place the image to center and along with sliding ui

enter image description here


1 Answers


ion-slides.image-slider {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: center;
    align-items: center;
  <ion-item  style="height:45%; padding-left: 0;">
        <ion-slides centeredSlides="true" zoom="true" class="image-slider" loop="true" slidesPerView="1">
            <ion-slide  *ngFor="let img of images">
                    <img style="max-width:100%; text-align: center; max-height:100%;"  src=https://image.ibb.co/k303BL/111.jpg class="thumb-img" imageViewer/>